Around the World

One of my favorite things to do is to travel with my husband.  We choose places so different from the world we live in and immerse ourselves in foreign cultures, languages, smells and tastes, rituals and daily routines.  To witness even the slightest sense of how other people live their lives is eye opening.  There is no greater form of eduction or inspiration in my mind.  

We take these yearly trips to the other side of the world, usually in August.  It’s a way to both disconnect from the day to day patterns and responsibilities, and to reconnect with each other.  The gift of continuously revisiting the reasons why we got together in the first place serves to infuse our marriage with the realization of how blessed we are to have each other and our children, and the lives we have created.  

Sleep Suit Fashion at its finest.

The sense of freedom and connection always begins at the airport before we’ve even boarded the plane.  We are giddy with the lack of responsibility and the complete selfishness allowed as a couple traveling alone, together.  On the plane we revert to being children, exploring the in dining menu, trying on the socks provided in business class, changing into sleep suits if the flight is overnight.  I slather on the lotion in the zipper pouch and get up to brush my teeth with the mini toothbrush and toothpaste.  Barry is exploring the vast assortment of movies and videos and queuing up which ones he will be watching.  Depending on how long the flight is, I will watch with him.  We press start on our individual screens at the same time, put on our headphones, smile at each other and settle in to watch a show.  

Which brings me to today.  February 25th, 2022. I am stretched out on a heated recliner.  Barry has downloaded a variety of shows and movies, picked up some snacks and we’re getting ready to pass the time watching whatever he’s selected. The only difference, and it’s a big one, is that I’m at Dana Farber, attached to a cooling system for my head to prevent total hair loss, and an IV, infusing chemo into my system, for the first of my 4 treatments.  

I look at him.  He smiles at me in my funny cap, pulled even tighter by bands around my head.  And surprisingly, I am feeling the way I do on those wonderful, magical trips.  Blessed.  He is here beside me.  We are passing the day together in selfish abandonment and I am again reminded of all of the reasons why I fell in love with him over 20 years ago.

Sometimes we get to choose our adventures, this one not so much. But any trip is better with the right person by your side.

Thank you B.


The Gift of Being Uncomfortable


#Show your Scars